Cnoc Suain

27 September 2018

Seems so simple, but this is one of our favorite views ever…

Today is our 10 year wedding anniversary!

We were married on the dock over the lake up at Beth’s parents’ house on the farm. The next day we caught a flight to Ireland for our honeymoon trip, which was also our first big trip completely planned and taken by just us! For almost two weeks in September of 2008, An Nead cottage at Cnoc Suain was our home in Ireland. It has held a very special spot in our hearts since, and we are so happy to be back!

Cnoc Suain is a celebration of local nature as much as the culture

We spent the morning just as we spent mornings on our honeymoon ten years ago – stayed for a bit cuddled in bed in our Irish cottage, threw open the top part of our half-door to let the cool morning air freshen up the room, and cooked a comforting breakfast with the best local ingredients that we shared at our little table. So much has changed in the past ten years, and since our wedding day we have come so far and seen so much. We’ve lived in 6 different places, bought a house, made a ton of new friends (including four-legged furry ones!), found exciting new relationships, have had a combined 10 different jobs, visited 15 countries on 3 continents (some multiple times), and of course started this site… all the while growing the bond between us. Even Ireland itself has changed a bit since we were here last. Still, as we sit in An Nead having our breakfast and looking out to the grey skies through our green half-door, everything feels just the same, like we were sitting here back in 2008. And that couldn’t be better.

The ancient standing stone in the walled field. A beautiful sight for sure!

After breakfast we decided to stroll around Cnoc Suain and relive some memories. The owners had a couple of dogs when we were here last, and they would come down and meet us at the door in the morning. We would walk with them around the property, back to the bogs, up to the field with the old standing stone, and around the other cottages. We followed that trail again today, past bogs and mushrooms and grassy fields and fresh berries and old cottages, though sadly the dogs are no longer with us.  

Charlie came out to meet us as we were looking over the bog, and he started telling us about some of the changes to Cnoc Suain since we were last here. They have expanded their educational part about the land, showing how the bog is created and how they make the peat, and he took us into the workshop and showed us some of their displays. They have more workshops and “experiences” now, showcasing the landscape and environment in addition to the culture, language, and music. They have some little agriculture spots and even have begun growing grapes to make a local wine. It was great to see how much they have grown, and to learn more of this amazing place. I think next time we need to book a spot in one of their experiences... and maybe we can learn some music or pick up the language!


Charlie and Dearbhaill are such wonderful people, it’s really great to see them doing so well. They saw us off on our honeymoon, and it’s our pleasure to be back here for our tenth anniversary!

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