Night on the Galway Coast

28 September 2018

Really can’t get enough of the Connemara countryside. Every turn just presents a stunning view!

As we made our way from Sky Road back along the coastal roads to the northern shores of Galway Bay, we took extra care to appreciate our surroundings. While playing some good Irish music (Christy Moore and Gaelic Storm!) we cruised down the coastal roads through Connemara, those same roads we drove through quite a bit now on this trip. The music and scenery painted a beautiful yet sad picture, as we knew this was our last drive through these parts before moving on. We are excited to explore new areas and find new places, but that doesn't make this spot any easier to leave. Ten years ago, as we prepared to head back home, we felt that it wasn’t the last time we would visit this place. That feeling is still strong this time as well.

We stopped to take in the sunset over the bay from the pier back at Barna, then decided to work our way back to a seafood pub we had been eyeing up for a while now. Pádraicíns Seafood Bar sits on the shoreline of Galway Bay, right next to the beach which marked our very first stop in Ireland back on our honeymoon. So, yeah... maybe it was about time we checked this place out! The inside was decorated with all the nautical wood you expect from a great seaside seafood place, and their fare was quality as well. Fish paired with a couple Irish ciders always hits the mark!

It’s not a real seafood place without a helm wheel!

We were finishing up our dinner and the restaurant side was winding down when a group of attractive Irish ladies came in for what looked like a hen party (that would be bachelorette party for those on the American side of the pond). They strolled over to the pub side just as the musicians started setting up. It looked like it was going to be a lively night, so we decided to follow them over and stick around!

We made our way to the other side of Pádraicíns and found a spot at the end of the bar. I was instantly happy when I saw they had the Bogman on draft, and Beth classed it up with a G&T with a local made gin. I like how they present that drink here, with the gin and ice in a glass and the tonic on the side for you to add. You know you aren’t getting short-changed by the bar, as opposed to the US when you aren’t sure what proportions are in your drink. Also considering that the glasses are all marked with a line showing their measurements, and you have to say they sure are looking out for the pub consumer over here.

G&T for the win!

The hen party moved on after a round or two unfortunately, but the atmosphere in the pub was still lively, and the music was still going strong. We got to talking with a guy next to us who had recently moved back to the area from London. Unfortunately, he was at the pub to gather with some friends after the recent passing of one from their group, but the Irish tend to celebrate the life rather than mourn the end, so they turned out to be a fun and chatty group. We talked about the area, about London, about places we’ve been, and many stories were told about his friend. He actually invited us along a fishing trip they had planned the next day, which we totally would have taken him up on had we not been checking out of An Nead tomorrow. By the end of the night, we had a great time at a great pub, heard some great music, and made a new friend. A fitting Irish night!

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