The Black Beach of Reynisfjara

Sand as black as ink… Basalt columns protruding from the ground and towering far overhead... Troll-caves leading back into the basalt and lava-rock cliffs... Sea stacks rising from the ocean like the towers of an evil fortress… Stunning views of the Dyrhólaey cliffs extending out to sea… This is the Reynisfjara beach. As beautiful as it is dark, as awe-inspiring as it is dangerous, Reynisfjara is a natural wonderland that seems lifted straight from fantasy…

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Road to the Doolin Pier

Finally back in Ireland! Ten years has been way too long. We start off running, getting back into the swing of Irish driving as we rushed down to Doolin Pier. Arriving early, we explored the otherworldly terrain along the coastline, full of unique rock formations and micro-environments that felt like another planet!

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