
Roundstone is a charming little fishing village along the Connemara coast with bright colored houses and boat-filled harbor. We venture to the pier, sample some local seafood, and get in some culture at the traditional music center before a breathtaking stop along a secluded country road!

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Nighttime in Salthill

After a great dinner on the pier at Barna, we headed into the Salthill section of Galway city, where we found a great pub with great beers and great people. If you don’t have a fun night at the pub, can you really say you were in Ireland?

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Road to the Doolin Pier

Finally back in Ireland! Ten years has been way too long. We start off running, getting back into the swing of Irish driving as we rushed down to Doolin Pier. Arriving early, we explored the otherworldly terrain along the coastline, full of unique rock formations and micro-environments that felt like another planet!

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