Farewell to An Nead

Today we said our farewell to An Nead cottage in beautiful Connemara. It was ten years since our last stay… hopefully it won’t be another ten before we get back there!

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The Sand

Ten years ago on our honeymoon in Ireland, on the advice of a local we met in the town of Athenry, we found our way to Coral Beach. It was a beautiful, rugged, wild coastline full of sea life and dramatic rock formations, truly an amazing place to see... but where was the coral that gave the beach its name?

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The Chinese Onion Incident

When one thinks of Walmart, they likely have a mental image of shopping chaos.  I know I do, anyway.  Walmart in my home city was always overly crowded and overly loud, a hectic experience in sensory overload. 

This also is a fair description of a city in China.

So when we encountered...

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