Petit-Val And The Swiss Countryside

We climbed up the mountain roads on the western side of Switzerland, taking the long and scenic route back to Zurich. And scenic it was! Along with the pastel fields, green forests, and cow-filled pastures, we stumbled on a slice of absolute heaven snuggled right between the cliffs and the road!

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A Festive Alsatian Morning

A stroll through Eguisheim before we headed off dropped us into the middle of a festive morning! There were musicians set up outside the main square, tables set up with wine and snacks, people from the town out mingling and having fun, and a local cycle group riding through with a local mayor.

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A Medieval Evening In Eguisheim

It was an evening of unforgettable experiences in the medieval town of Eguisheim. We were brought down into the family cellar of an amazing winery, stopped by a cafe with an unexpected surprise, and finished out the last night in Alsace with local culinary treasures. C’est magnifique!

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Castle Hohlandsbourg

Castle Hohlandsbourg is a castle ruin reclaimed and preserved. We walked the old castle walls, checked out their museum, learned lots about castle life from their displays, and listened to some great music.. all while keeping an eye on the angry skies overhead.

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In Love With Eguisheim

We made our way back to the wonderful little town of Eguisheim. Very likely my favorite town in the world, I couldn’t wait to walk through those medieval streets and see everything we could! We had amazing food, great drinks, saw the most beautiful contrasts, and settled in to a nice pub for a fun end to the night. What more could you want?

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Departing Ribeauville

We stroll around Ribeauville on our last morning in town, tasting wine, talking with locals, and seeking out a unique bottle of a beverage most wouldn’t imagine!

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Somber Reflections in Kaysersberg

An evening stroll through beautiful Kaysersberg led us to one of the most exquisite meals of our lives. As we recount the evening, we reflect upon the passing of a mentor of sorts, who spent his final moments a mere few yards from this fantastic restaurant in this lovely town.

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A Culinary Pilgrimage in Niedermorschwihr

Niedermorschwihr - a little town with a big name - is home to Maison Ferber Au Relais des 3 Epis, a famous gourmet shop and a true Alsatian culinary destination. We sought out the highly prized jellies from Christine Ferber, walked through the picturesque town, and ultimately stopped at a scenic lookout point where we had an unexpected adventure and a moment of panic!

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German War Cemetery in Trois-Epis

High on the mountain, in the hills of Troi-Epis, there sits a cemetery in the forest that is the final resting place for many German soldiers, most who lost their lives in the First Wold War. A truly somber experience that led to a lot of reflection upon war and its many victims, it was also a unique place that gives a more personal side of history.

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Kaysersberg-Vignoble: Pretty Buildings and Human Skulls

Our return to the impossibly beautiful town of Kaysersberg was a stop we have long been looking forward to, as we didn’t spend as much time here before. Around every corner we found ourselves in awe over the sheer incredible beauty of this place, from the integrated nature to the colorful buildings and the surrounding hills and vineyards. We followed in Albrecht Schweitzer’s footsteps, visited a memorial to fallen WWII soldiers, wound down with great coffee, and gave in to the temptation of the many amazing pastry shops. And the skulls? Yes, we went back to visit the skulls!

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Just outside Kaysersberg is the little town of Keintzheim. Most I knew of the little town was that it had old walls and a WWII era tank sitting at the entrance. We did find the walls and the tank, but also found a little village that was empty of people at the moment, yet packed full of charm!

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Riquewihr by Night

After seeking out an eau-du-vie distillery and exploring a new part of Ribeauville we haven’t been through before, we decide to make the quick trip back to Riquewihr for dinner! We strolled through the empty evening streets as everyone was at their own meals, and settled in to Winstub Tire Bouchon at Maison Zimmer. The night was ended with a perfect stroll through town after dark, the lights and night sky lending a different kind of beauty to this pretty town.

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A Tasty Afternoon in Riquewihr

An afternoon in Riquewihr spent savoring the town’s many flavors. Outstanding wine at Maison Zimmer, cheese at Les Caves d’Affinage, and eye candy of the beautiful old streets and buildings of the town. As the sky grew dark and the rain poured down, we took shelter on the covered patio of Brasserie du Vignoble, the little brewery in wine country…

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Morning in Riquewihr

The beautiful little town of Riquewihr welcomed us back this morning! Every square centimeter of Riquewihr is absurdly picturesque, and is easily one of the prettiest towns I’ve ever seen. We walked through the town, covering about every street and tiny alley within the walls, hunted down a larger kugelhopf pan to go with our small one, and finished out the morning at Hugel Winery!

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Girsberg Castle

Continuing on the hike from Saint-Ulrich Castle, we come to the second of the three castles of Ribeauville - Girsberg Castle! We climb to the ancient ruins, enjoy the incredible views of the valley, town, and Saint-Ulrich, and recount an old legend that centers on the people who once lived in these two stone fortresses…

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Saint Ulrich Castle

Saint Ulrich was one of three castles that stood on the mountain overlooking Ribeauville. We wandered through the walls, imagining the rooms we were walking through and how they once looked. We stood above the row of windows from the Salle des Chevaliers, and took in the fantastic view of Ribeauville, Castle Girsberg, and the mountains and valleys in the distance…

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A Quiet Morning in Ribeauville

Sometimes a calm, relaxing morning is what you need on a trip. We wandered the streets of Ribeauville, looking at the amazing architecture, practicing our language skills, and having a nice lunch before we set out on our hike!

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