"Night" in Reykjavik

Our evening in Reykjavik, where “night” is a title only! We watch as the hours creep later and later, with the sun still shining bright in the sky. We visit the Grótta Island Lighthouse and go shell hunting on the beach, reflect on social differences at a geothermal beach, then head to Laugavegur for a “night” at the pub!

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Riquewihr by Night

After seeking out an eau-du-vie distillery and exploring a new part of Ribeauville we haven’t been through before, we decide to make the quick trip back to Riquewihr for dinner! We strolled through the empty evening streets as everyone was at their own meals, and settled in to Winstub Tire Bouchon at Maison Zimmer. The night was ended with a perfect stroll through town after dark, the lights and night sky lending a different kind of beauty to this pretty town.

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Schlossberg and the Schwarzwald at Night

As the rain cleared up we strolled through the streets of Freiburg heading to the Schlossberg. We hiked up the hill and were greeted with some amazing views of the city and forest, and continued our way up to the very top of a wobbly tower! Heading back to Brend, we caught an amazing sunset over the hills, then I felt the ping of terror in the night that gave rise to all the legends of the Black Forest!

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