Skaftafell in Vatnajökull National Park

Crossing an impossibly flat and desolate landscape, like something from another barren planet, we made our way to Skaftafell. Part of the Vatnajökull Glacier and National Park, Skaftafell is an area with a waterfall in one direction and a glacier sheet in another. We had time for just one, so we went to explore the glacial ice, the almost tropical colored pools, and the sudden drop in temperature!

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Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon

Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon is a beautiful, awe inspiring sight in southern Iceland… and one we were lucky to see! It was closed to visitors for some time due to damage to the landscape from people choosing not to respect the fragile environment, but luckily it had reopened just before our arrival. We explore this magnificent place and revel in its breathtaking scenery, while hoping people will choose to be responsible and respectful of the landscape in the future.

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The Sólheimajökull Glacier

Having a plan is good, but it always pays to leave some wiggle room for the unexpected. As we traveled down the Ring Road toward Vik, we passed by the Sólheimajökull Glacier. The road back to Sólheimajökull looked absurdly scenic, and at the end of the road was a completely unique landscape and a glacier! How could we not go check it out??!?!

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Skógafoss is another majestic waterfall along Iceland’s southern coast, Falling almost 200 feet over a brilliant green cliff and kicking up a mist that crates beautiful rainbows, Skógafoss is a must see waterfall in a land known for waterfalls. Come follow as we explore Skógafoss and the amazing landscape of the surrounding countryside!

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Brúarhlöð Canyon

The Brúarhlöð Canyon is a beautiful natural landscape right off the busy Golden Circle, yet surprisingly off the radar of most visitors. It was off ours as we stumbled upon it unexpectedly as we stopped at a picnic spot for a quick breakfast, only to find the majestic canyon and the mysterious silvery-gray water waiting for us!

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Haukadalur Geothermal Field and Geysir

The Haukadalur Geothermal Area is a hotbed of underground volcanic activity spewing to the surface… literally! From the sulfuric yellow landscape to the deep blue pools of boiling hot water filling underground caverns to the awe-inspiring Geysir - the tower of water shooting hundreds of feet into the air whose name gives us the word “geyser” - Haukadalur is a natural wonderland along Iceland’s Golden Circle!

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Kerið Crater

Kerið is an extinct volcano whose crater has filled with the most magnificent blue water. There is a trail up around the crest of the volcano for an amazing perspective, and another down around the lake that lets you get up close with the refreshing water. It was hard to resist the urge to just jump in!

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Riquewihr by Night

After seeking out an eau-du-vie distillery and exploring a new part of Ribeauville we haven’t been through before, we decide to make the quick trip back to Riquewihr for dinner! We strolled through the empty evening streets as everyone was at their own meals, and settled in to Winstub Tire Bouchon at Maison Zimmer. The night was ended with a perfect stroll through town after dark, the lights and night sky lending a different kind of beauty to this pretty town.

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On a whim we stopped in the beautiful town of Kaysersberg where we found colorful buildings lining the waterways and cobblestoned streets. We climbed up to the castle on the hill and were rewarded with the most amazing views, before heading back down to the church and the most unexpected find of our journeys - a wall of actual skeletons!

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New Year's Day in Vienna

Last night was a late one, so we slept in a little on New Year's Day.  It was our last day in Vienna, so we did need to force ourselves up and pack.  We left our happy little room behind and took that long winding staircase down to the lobby.  Good we were able to leave our bags to spend the day unburdened.  We headed out for breakfast and stopped at a place called Point of Sale.  My dad actually knows the owner, but we knew he wasn't around so didn't bother asking.   We never met him before anyway.  His place did have a great breakfast though – ham and eggs, rolls, orange juice, and of course some melange.  All so good!

After the big party and waltz that is the New Year celebration, Vienna has a...

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Andechs, then on to Salzburg

Andechs, home to one of my favorite breweries in the world!! Beer was had for sure, but first we had our jaws dropped at the most beautiful monastery church we've ever seen. After getting one of my favorite beers right from the source, we drive back to Munich, then take the train to Salzburg....

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