Departing Ribeauville

We stroll around Ribeauville on our last morning in town, tasting wine, talking with locals, and seeking out a unique bottle of a beverage most wouldn’t imagine!

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A Culinary Pilgrimage in Niedermorschwihr

Niedermorschwihr - a little town with a big name - is home to Maison Ferber Au Relais des 3 Epis, a famous gourmet shop and a true Alsatian culinary destination. We sought out the highly prized jellies from Christine Ferber, walked through the picturesque town, and ultimately stopped at a scenic lookout point where we had an unexpected adventure and a moment of panic!

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Just outside Kaysersberg is the little town of Keintzheim. Most I knew of the little town was that it had old walls and a WWII era tank sitting at the entrance. We did find the walls and the tank, but also found a little village that was empty of people at the moment, yet packed full of charm!

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A Tasty Afternoon in Riquewihr

An afternoon in Riquewihr spent savoring the town’s many flavors. Outstanding wine at Maison Zimmer, cheese at Les Caves d’Affinage, and eye candy of the beautiful old streets and buildings of the town. As the sky grew dark and the rain poured down, we took shelter on the covered patio of Brasserie du Vignoble, the little brewery in wine country…

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Morning in Riquewihr

The beautiful little town of Riquewihr welcomed us back this morning! Every square centimeter of Riquewihr is absurdly picturesque, and is easily one of the prettiest towns I’ve ever seen. We walked through the town, covering about every street and tiny alley within the walls, hunted down a larger kugelhopf pan to go with our small one, and finished out the morning at Hugel Winery!

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Morning in Strasbourg! We leave behind our cute little cabin and explore Alsace's largest city. We walk through the old bridge and see the crazy statues inside, visit the Notre Dame cathedral, and get some cookies!

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Andechs, then on to Salzburg

Andechs, home to one of my favorite breweries in the world!! Beer was had for sure, but first we had our jaws dropped at the most beautiful monastery church we've ever seen. After getting one of my favorite beers right from the source, we drive back to Munich, then take the train to Salzburg....

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Christmas Eve in Nuremberg

On the morning of Christmas Eve, we reflected on the German Christmas holidays which are so important here. We found an old bridge, a beautiful cobblestone street lined with colorful buildings, and enjoyed the view over the river. We eventually made our way up through Albrecht Dürer Platz and the Nuremberg Castle!

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