
Just outside Kaysersberg is the little town of Keintzheim. Most I knew of the little town was that it had old walls and a WWII era tank sitting at the entrance. We did find the walls and the tank, but also found a little village that was empty of people at the moment, yet packed full of charm!

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Rainy Evening in Ribeauville

After making a lot of effort, saving, and budgeting, we are finally back in Alsace! We arrived the same time as a rain storm, but we won’t let that bring us down… rather, it emptied the streets so when it stopped we had a pleasant stroll where it felt like the whole town was only ours!

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Konstanz, Germany

What was supposed to be a quick stop to stretch our legs and grab a snack turned out to be a great experience! Despite being a last minute decision to the trip, our stop in Konstanz brought us more than we expected with its stunning architecture and beautiful lake views. We toured through a little church, admired the seductive curves of the Imperia, looked out past the lighthouse to the boats on the Bodensee, and strolled along the marina as we dreamed of hoisting the sails and catching the breeze…

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We're back in Vienna! We truly love this city. After a tasty breakfast and some language issues, we stroll through the Nachtmarkt, ogle some impressive architecture, and find my dad's old apartment! We stand at the steps of the Rahlgasse, which we climbed at the very start of our travels and relationship. We journey through the life of Egon Schiele at the Leopold Museum, where I take a liking to a certain naked lady, before heading out to the park and a cafe hunt!

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Nuremberg Pt. 2

After a quick nap, we venture back out into the city for more markets, a drop into our favorite shop in the Handwerkerhof, and finished out the day with a spectacular dinner and a lot of schnapps!

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After a long flight with a bad plan, we finally arrived in Nuremberg! We've been here before, but now we're back for a bit longer to really dig in! Today we saw one of my favorite creepy sculptures, went to the Christmas Market, and got some sausage!

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