Reykjavik Old Harbour

Venturing along the waterline, we come to the Reykjavik Old Harbour! A working harbor with all kinds of ships and amazing views, we explore the area, climb the Þúfa mound, and enjoy a lunch and local brew at the Bryggjan Brugghús. But down at the harbor, it’s all about watching the boats!!

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Konstanz, Germany

What was supposed to be a quick stop to stretch our legs and grab a snack turned out to be a great experience! Despite being a last minute decision to the trip, our stop in Konstanz brought us more than we expected with its stunning architecture and beautiful lake views. We toured through a little church, admired the seductive curves of the Imperia, looked out past the lighthouse to the boats on the Bodensee, and strolled along the marina as we dreamed of hoisting the sails and catching the breeze…

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ASA 103

This past weekend I took the second part of my sailing certification – the ASA 103. This class was to build on the basics we learned in 101, providing a more in depth look at the rules of the water, the operation of the boat, and of course the safety measures that are so important out on the sea. The is the second class in line to have the certification to bareboat charter! “Bareboat chartering” is renting a sailboat without a captain accompanying us, where I would be free to take the boat out on my own. Without certified proof that I am capable to do this, most rental agencies would not likely hand me the keys to a half-million dollar sailboat...

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ASA 101 - Part 2

Second day of classes started in the morning with a lesson on knot tying.  I remembered most of them from my old boy scout days, and it’s amazing how readily that knowledge comes back to you even after all these years.  Clove hitches, square knots and two-turns with two-half hitches were practiced, along with the bowline (rabbit runs out of the hole, around the tree, and back in the hole).  The bowline took a try or two to...

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ASA 101

A new adventure began this weekend as I started classes for the ASA sailing certification!  The ASA (American Sailing Association) has a curriculum of classes designed to train someone in the operation, care, and legal regulations of a larger sized sailboat.  ASA 104 (or the equivalent level locally if not in the US) is required in order to charter a sailboat in many cases, and in general it is a good idea to have the hands on training they provide.  These classes lay a solid foundation to...

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