A Quiet Morning in Ribeauville

Sometimes a calm, relaxing morning is what you need on a trip. We wandered the streets of Ribeauville, looking at the amazing architecture, practicing our language skills, and having a nice lunch before we set out on our hike!

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Evening in Alsace

When you are the home city of the designer of the most recognizable statue in the world, you have to make a dedication! We stopped and saw the tribute statue of Lady Liberty on the outskirts of Colmar before heading back into Eguisheim to wander the ancient streets. We settled in to the hotel restaurant for our first try of snails!

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Beautiful Riquewihr! We loved it here! Small but stunning town with wineries, cheese, old architecture, colorful buildings, and a fantastic tiny brewery! We got a keugelhopf pan, a nice wedge of cheese, and beer with absinthe!

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The beautiful town of Ribeauville! We found our cute hotel, then took to the streets where we enjoyed the scenery by the little square, marveled at the colors and the narrow streets, enjoyed a keugelhopf, met some nice people, and wound up sipping garlic brandy at a local distillery!

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A town I flagged as a must stop, Gengenbach did not disappoint! From the beautiful platz lined with colorful buildings to the back alleys and tiny Bächle, and one of the most impressively painted little churches we've ever seen, this was a great "goodbye" to the Black Forest!

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Konstanz, Germany

What was supposed to be a quick stop to stretch our legs and grab a snack turned out to be a great experience! Despite being a last minute decision to the trip, our stop in Konstanz brought us more than we expected with its stunning architecture and beautiful lake views. We toured through a little church, admired the seductive curves of the Imperia, looked out past the lighthouse to the boats on the Bodensee, and strolled along the marina as we dreamed of hoisting the sails and catching the breeze…

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Frankfurt & Bad Homburg

We got to the Frankfurt Süd station really early.  We had our little breakfast of coffee, orange juice, and the ubiquitous ham and cheese with rolls continental. When the doors opened and we got off the train, we stepped on a smooth white blanket covering the ground.  We got snow!   It was still 5-something am and the city was still sleeping. I'll admit, I did wish I was still sleeping too!  Rather than figure another train just to get to town quicker with nothing yet open, we decided to enjoy the snow and the calm quiet with a walk.  Not too far from Frankfurt Süd station is a part of the city we loved when we were here a couple years ago.  Sachsenhausen is a nice...

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