A Quiet Morning in Ribeauville

Sometimes a calm, relaxing morning is what you need on a trip. We wandered the streets of Ribeauville, looking at the amazing architecture, practicing our language skills, and having a nice lunch before we set out on our hike!

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Rainy Evening in Ribeauville

After making a lot of effort, saving, and budgeting, we are finally back in Alsace! We arrived the same time as a rain storm, but we won’t let that bring us down… rather, it emptied the streets so when it stopped we had a pleasant stroll where it felt like the whole town was only ours!

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Ribeauville Evening

Evening in Ribeauville, where we strolled the streets, popped into a grocery, and went back to the hotel for dinner. Over a wonderful meal full of wine, sauerkraut, sausages, and cheese, we pondered the duality of Alsatian culture… half French and half German, but in the end… all Alsace.

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The beautiful town of Ribeauville! We found our cute hotel, then took to the streets where we enjoyed the scenery by the little square, marveled at the colors and the narrow streets, enjoyed a keugelhopf, met some nice people, and wound up sipping garlic brandy at a local distillery!

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