Rainy Evening in Ribeauville

21 May 2018

Beautiful Ribeauville!

It's fun taking adventures to new and exciting places, but at the same time it is nice to return to a place that is a bit familiar as well. We knew we wanted to experience more of Alsace, but rather than trying to find our way through new towns we figured that we should return to where we’ve been and really feel as a part of those villages. They are the places that made us love the area, after all. Ribeauville was definitely one of those places.

We parked in the same free parking area as last time, right on Rue Klee just parallel to the Main Street through town. It was a quick walk to Hotel Au Lion, and we checked in to find we were in the same room as last time. Being so familiar with the route and knowing where we were going let us put our thoughts into what new things we were going to find.

The restaurant was actually closed for the holiday, but we found keys in an envelope left for us. As soon as we stepped into the hotel, the storm that was threatening us all day finally opened up and began pouring on the town. That gave us an excuse to rest in the room and actually unpack. We usually don't stay in one spot long enough to warrant unpacking and so tend to live out of our bags, but with four nights at Au Lion we were able to settle in a bit. It was a unique feeling that we don't often get to do.

The thunderstorm had ended after just a short while and we went to venture out on the town. After the cool mountain air in Germany, we were surprised by just how warm it was in Alsace. The storm drove most people off the streets, so we had full roam of the empty town. Perfect for pictures!

A happy Beth with Alsatian Pinot Gris after a great meal!

We found a cute little restaurant called Winstub zum Fifferhüs. It had dim lighting and dark features with dried flowers hanging from the ceiling over the tables. A beautiful and traditional atmosphere for sure. They gave us these fantastic little biscuit cakes. We shared the onion tart – a local specialty – and the escargot. Last time in France we had our first try of the snails and we loved them… but they were served baked straight in the dish. This time I had them in the shell, with the little holder clamp that I have never used before. Beth kept talking about the scene in Pretty Woman where she flicked one across the restaurant. I don't remember that movie much but was hoping not to recreate it here in any sense. With some care we worked it out, but I need to remind myself to watch a YouTube tutorial before we ever go back! For mains we shared the poulet au reisling and the choucroute garne, my favorite Alsatian sauerkraut dish. All rounded out with a carafe of local Pinot Gris, which has become a love of ours for sure.

A slow walk back through the wet and deserted streets of Ribeauville to Au Lion we reminisced on our last time here. With just a quick run through we knew we needed to come back and do it soon, but it didn't seem so practical. Yet we were there, back on the old Alsatian villages we love so much. We stood on those cobblestone streets thinking back on the effort we made to come back so soon and let ourselves have a bit of pride in being able to do it. We made it!

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