New Year's Eve in Vienna Pt. 2

As the day went on, we saw more amazing architecture, found a hidden gem that was lost to time, and spent time in another wonderful cafe. As the clock ticked toward midnight we were serenaded by opera and orchestra music, and we waltzed in the new year Vienna style!

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Christmas Eve in Nuremberg Pt. 2

As the locals made their way home for main part of their holiday, we went on a grocery adventure, spent more time in the markets, and had more of those amazing Nuremberg sausages! We spent the night with an amazing dinner and had our own little German Christmas.

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Nuremberg Pt. 2

After a quick nap, we venture back out into the city for more markets, a drop into our favorite shop in the Handwerkerhof, and finished out the day with a spectacular dinner and a lot of schnapps!

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After a long flight with a bad plan, we finally arrived in Nuremberg! We've been here before, but now we're back for a bit longer to really dig in! Today we saw one of my favorite creepy sculptures, went to the Christmas Market, and got some sausage!

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