Downtown Reykjavik - Laugavegur and the Sun Voyager

With Hallgrimskirkja behind us on the hill, we trek through the streets of Reykjavik, exploring the quaint shops, artsy murals, and cozy cafes. What a great city! We stop for a bit before heading down to the water to see the Sun Voyager, a famous and amazing sculpture celebrating the island’s Viking roots!

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Our first stop in Iceland was the magnificent Hallgrimskirkja in Reykjavik! Fresh off the bus from the airport early in the morning, we had the whole area to ourselves! We check out the church and marvel at the splendid architecture, pay homage to the great Icelandic explorer Leif Erikson, and delve a bit into Ásatrú, the ancient religion of the Vikings that is having a modern resurgence!

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New Year's Eve in Vienna Pt. 2

As the day went on, we saw more amazing architecture, found a hidden gem that was lost to time, and spent time in another wonderful cafe. As the clock ticked toward midnight we were serenaded by opera and orchestra music, and we waltzed in the new year Vienna style!

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An easy side trip from Vienna, we took a train out to Bratislava! We were in the right place at the right time to happen upon a changing of the guard at the presidential palace, then we ventured through the old town for cafes, churches, and a crumbly old yet still beautiful abandoned street. We couldn't resist the inner tourist coming out when we found our way to the old square!

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Nuremberg Pt. 2

After a quick nap, we venture back out into the city for more markets, a drop into our favorite shop in the Handwerkerhof, and finished out the day with a spectacular dinner and a lot of schnapps!

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After a long flight with a bad plan, we finally arrived in Nuremberg! We've been here before, but now we're back for a bit longer to really dig in! Today we saw one of my favorite creepy sculptures, went to the Christmas Market, and got some sausage!

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