Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon

Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon is a beautiful, awe inspiring sight in southern Iceland… and one we were lucky to see! It was closed to visitors for some time due to damage to the landscape from people choosing not to respect the fragile environment, but luckily it had reopened just before our arrival. We explore this magnificent place and revel in its breathtaking scenery, while hoping people will choose to be responsible and respectful of the landscape in the future.

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The Sólheimajökull Glacier

Having a plan is good, but it always pays to leave some wiggle room for the unexpected. As we traveled down the Ring Road toward Vik, we passed by the Sólheimajökull Glacier. The road back to Sólheimajökull looked absurdly scenic, and at the end of the road was a completely unique landscape and a glacier! How could we not go check it out??!?!

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Our first stop in Iceland was the magnificent Hallgrimskirkja in Reykjavik! Fresh off the bus from the airport early in the morning, we had the whole area to ourselves! We check out the church and marvel at the splendid architecture, pay homage to the great Icelandic explorer Leif Erikson, and delve a bit into Ásatrú, the ancient religion of the Vikings that is having a modern resurgence!

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Inis Oirr

We took the ferry to Inis Oirr, the smallest of the Aran Islands. Life by the sea dominated the world here. We walked the rural roads, with the bright green fields crisscrossed by the random pattern of ancient stone walls, found the local dolphin, and dropped into our first pub back in Ireland!

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Girsberg Castle

Continuing on the hike from Saint-Ulrich Castle, we come to the second of the three castles of Ribeauville - Girsberg Castle! We climb to the ancient ruins, enjoy the incredible views of the valley, town, and Saint-Ulrich, and recount an old legend that centers on the people who once lived in these two stone fortresses…

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Les Trois-Châteaux du Eguisheim

The Trois Chateaux du Eguisheim are three castles that overlook the town. The oldest dates back from 1006! We took a hike up to the castles, climbed the old walls, and contemplated the way of life from one thousand years ago.

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