The Sólheimajökull Glacier

Having a plan is good, but it always pays to leave some wiggle room for the unexpected. As we traveled down the Ring Road toward Vik, we passed by the Sólheimajökull Glacier. The road back to Sólheimajökull looked absurdly scenic, and at the end of the road was a completely unique landscape and a glacier! How could we not go check it out??!?!

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Brúarhlöð Canyon

The Brúarhlöð Canyon is a beautiful natural landscape right off the busy Golden Circle, yet surprisingly off the radar of most visitors. It was off ours as we stumbled upon it unexpectedly as we stopped at a picnic spot for a quick breakfast, only to find the majestic canyon and the mysterious silvery-gray water waiting for us!

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On a whim we stopped in the beautiful town of Kaysersberg where we found colorful buildings lining the waterways and cobblestoned streets. We climbed up to the castle on the hill and were rewarded with the most amazing views, before heading back down to the church and the most unexpected find of our journeys - a wall of actual skeletons!

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