Skaftáreldahraun Green Lava Fields

As we drove along Iceland’s southern Ring Road, we encountered these mysterious green blobs that covered the landscape as far as the eye could see! The Skaftáreldahraun Green Lava Fields were such a unique, otherworldly place we had to stop and explore. We discover what these blobs actually are, walk a trail through these unique fields, and even learn about their special impact on world history!

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Brúarhlöð Canyon

The Brúarhlöð Canyon is a beautiful natural landscape right off the busy Golden Circle, yet surprisingly off the radar of most visitors. It was off ours as we stumbled upon it unexpectedly as we stopped at a picnic spot for a quick breakfast, only to find the majestic canyon and the mysterious silvery-gray water waiting for us!

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Bridges of Ross and Loop Head

Nature does amazing things. At the Bridges of Ross, we followed an old Victorian pastime as we crossed over the natural rock bridge and stood over the sea, before continuing on further down the peninsula to an old lighthouse, WWII era markers, and a piece of Irish folklore!

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Traditional Music and Local Pubs

We hit a couple of Connemara pubs on an amazingly clear Irish night! First we stopped in Ougtherard where we had a great meal with beers and music. After a bit of a craft brewing rant, we found our way back to Spiddal on the coast to check out a place we heard had quality session music… and were treated to a performance by one of the greats!

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