Icelandic Cuisine

Fermented Shark. Pickled sheep heads. Sour blubber. Stinky skate. Dung-smoked fish... traditional Icelandic dishes can read like a horror story! The harsh climate and isolated location meant historically the people had to improvise, and the scary sounding food is less scary than starving to death. But with modern times come modern changes, and not all of the old dishes can be this scary… can they?

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Doolin and Lisdoonvarna

Our last night in Ireland, and it can only be spent in one way - with the local music! We explore the town of Doolin and and old tower castle before heading back to Lisdoonvarna for the most fitting farewell to Ireland… great food, great drinks, great music, and as the Irish say, great craic!

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Traditional Music and Local Pubs

We hit a couple of Connemara pubs on an amazingly clear Irish night! First we stopped in Ougtherard where we had a great meal with beers and music. After a bit of a craft brewing rant, we found our way back to Spiddal on the coast to check out a place we heard had quality session music… and were treated to a performance by one of the greats!

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An Nead

After ten years away, we finally make it back to the lovely little cottage An Nead! Tucked back in the bogland in a rediscovered pre-famine village on a cultural center site with amazing hosts, An Nead is where we stayed over our honeymoon. It is one of our most favorite places in the world, and now we’re back!

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