Skjól Camp

Faced with a long drive back to the coast, we decided instead to stop at a campground with a restaurant conveniently located right between Gullfoss and Geysir on the Golden Circle route. A nice sit down for a great pizza was a welcome break, as the July night was beginning to get really cold!

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Icelandic Cuisine

Fermented Shark. Pickled sheep heads. Sour blubber. Stinky skate. Dung-smoked fish... traditional Icelandic dishes can read like a horror story! The harsh climate and isolated location meant historically the people had to improvise, and the scary sounding food is less scary than starving to death. But with modern times come modern changes, and not all of the old dishes can be this scary… can they?

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Christmas Eve in Nuremberg Pt. 2

As the locals made their way home for main part of their holiday, we went on a grocery adventure, spent more time in the markets, and had more of those amazing Nuremberg sausages! We spent the night with an amazing dinner and had our own little German Christmas.

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