The Sólheimajökull Glacier

Having a plan is good, but it always pays to leave some wiggle room for the unexpected. As we traveled down the Ring Road toward Vik, we passed by the Sólheimajökull Glacier. The road back to Sólheimajökull looked absurdly scenic, and at the end of the road was a completely unique landscape and a glacier! How could we not go check it out??!?!

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Our Heart in Ireland, Pt. 1

In September of 2008, on our honeymoon in Ireland, we found a personal treasure on a hike up a mountain… a wedding gift from the lovely Emerald Isle herself! We returned to a seaside grotto with our gift, and left it to absorb all of the powerful energy of this place, and also some of that Irish luck! And so began our heart’s ten-year stay in Ireland…

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Saint Ulrich Castle

Saint Ulrich was one of three castles that stood on the mountain overlooking Ribeauville. We wandered through the walls, imagining the rooms we were walking through and how they once looked. We stood above the row of windows from the Salle des Chevaliers, and took in the fantastic view of Ribeauville, Castle Girsberg, and the mountains and valleys in the distance…

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Zeller Horn over Hohenzollern

Sometimes the best way to see a magnificent castle is from a distance. After visiting Burg Hohenzollern, touring its palace rooms and walking the battlements, we decided to hike up to the top of Zeller Horn and find the best vantage point to see the castle as a whole!

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Hohenzollern Castle

The beautiful Burg Hohenzollern is an amazing fantasy castle, both elegant and imposing with the power to capture your imagination. We hiked up to the gate, crossed into the Kingdom of Prussia, looked up to the towers piercing the sky, and explored magnificent palace… and had quite a view to go along with it all!

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Les Trois-Châteaux du Eguisheim

The Trois Chateaux du Eguisheim are three castles that overlook the town. The oldest dates back from 1006! We took a hike up to the castles, climbed the old walls, and contemplated the way of life from one thousand years ago.

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Schlossberg and the Schwarzwald at Night

As the rain cleared up we strolled through the streets of Freiburg heading to the Schlossberg. We hiked up the hill and were greeted with some amazing views of the city and forest, and continued our way up to the very top of a wobbly tower! Heading back to Brend, we caught an amazing sunset over the hills, then I felt the ping of terror in the night that gave rise to all the legends of the Black Forest!

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Morning in Liechtenstein

We woke high in the mountains to a hearty breakfast and a rolling fog… or were we just so high we were in the clouds? We walked the hilly streets along the Liechtenstein mountains, watching the city far below as it peeked though the gaps in the cloud cover. I took some of my favorite pictures here in the Alps before we bid our farewell, and wound our little car down the mountainside and back into Switzerland…

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Liechtenstein, Hike through the Alps

Liechtenstein is a fascinating place, and one we’ve wanted to visit for some time. Something about these tiny countries… We went straight into the mountains, where a bit of cold rainy weather wasn’t stopping us from a hike through the Alps!

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Hiking Through the State Park

Today seemed like a great day for a hike!  Sure, it’s a bit warm … and by “a bit warm” I mean it’s sweltering hot.  That great fireball in the sky has been cooking everything in its path, especially all the plants on our back patio.  I doubt they are surviving this summer.

But the good thing about being in the woods is all that wonderful shade.

Philly has its share of nice parks.  Fairmount Park is the main one, and it’s definitely huge.  While we do like to bike through there it isn’t really a “hike through the woods” type park.  So where do you go to get away into the woods when you live in the heart of a huge city?

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