New Year's Day in Vienna

Last night was a late one, so we slept in a little on New Year's Day.  It was our last day in Vienna, so we did need to force ourselves up and pack.  We left our happy little room behind and took that long winding staircase down to the lobby.  Good we were able to leave our bags to spend the day unburdened.  We headed out for breakfast and stopped at a place called Point of Sale.  My dad actually knows the owner, but we knew he wasn't around so didn't bother asking.   We never met him before anyway.  His place did have a great breakfast though – ham and eggs, rolls, orange juice, and of course some melange.  All so good!

After the big party and waltz that is the New Year celebration, Vienna has a...

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New Year's Eve in Vienna Pt. 2

As the day went on, we saw more amazing architecture, found a hidden gem that was lost to time, and spent time in another wonderful cafe. As the clock ticked toward midnight we were serenaded by opera and orchestra music, and we waltzed in the new year Vienna style!

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New Year's Eve in Vienna

It’s New Year’s Eve, and tonight we celebrated in Vienna! We picked up some things in the Nachtmarkt which led to a horrifyingly embarrassing yet hysterical experience! Surviving that, we settled into an outstanding cafe, found Johann Strauss in the park, and visited Vienna’s famous cathedral…

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Vienna Pt. 2

Cafe hunt successful, we enjoyed a Viennese Melange. Vienna does have the best coffee! I got to visit one of my favorite buildings in the whole world, then had another dose of fine art at the Kunsthistoriches Museum before finishing the night out by returning to a great restaurant we went to soon after we first met!

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We're back in Vienna! We truly love this city. After a tasty breakfast and some language issues, we stroll through the Nachtmarkt, ogle some impressive architecture, and find my dad's old apartment! We stand at the steps of the Rahlgasse, which we climbed at the very start of our travels and relationship. We journey through the life of Egon Schiele at the Leopold Museum, where I take a liking to a certain naked lady, before heading out to the park and a cafe hunt!

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Salzburg Pt. 2

There was a steep hill that led up to a park. We made the pilgrimage, and were rewarded with the best views of the city! We tried some Stroh Hüttenpunsch and visited some shops before grabbing the train to Vienna. Then it was time for late night Serbian food near the Nachtmarkt! 

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