Salzburg Pt. 2

There was a steep hill that led up to a park. We made the pilgrimage, and were rewarded with the best views of the city! We tried some Stroh Hüttenpunsch and visited some shops before grabbing the train to Vienna. Then it was time for late night Serbian food near the Nachtmarkt! 

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Morning in Salzburg! We get a simple yet amazing breakfast with our favorite coffee before venturing out to the cathedral. We found a really cool old cemetery, took the tram up to the castle, got creeped out a bit in a marionette museum, and found a cute little local specialty shop. If all that wasn't enough, we also found a pretzel truck!

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Andechs, then on to Salzburg

Andechs, home to one of my favorite breweries in the world!! Beer was had for sure, but first we had our jaws dropped at the most beautiful monastery church we've ever seen. After getting one of my favorite beers right from the source, we drive back to Munich, then take the train to Salzburg....

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