Andechs, then on to Salzburg

We were hoping that we would finish early enough in Schwangau and that the drive to Munich would be fast enough to make a quick stop in Andechs along the way.  Things worked out well for us and we were able to make that stop!  Andechs is a little town in Germany that is kinda known for its monastery, but world famous for the beer that monastery makes.  Andescher Doppelbock is one of my absolute favorite beers, and honestly everything else I’ve had from them has been a great, quality product as well.  We were so excited to stop in and get some brews on!


First though, yes even before the beer, was a visit to the monastery itself.  Kloster Andechs was the church the whole site was built around, and wow this place did not disappoint!  The outside was a pretty pinkish color with a tower style that is common here in Germany, though I always thought it looked more Russian.  But what do I know.  We walked up the small hill past the brewhouse, following the steeple with our eyes until we arrived at the door.  Hesitating at first as no one was really around; we checked and found the church was actually open!  We went through the doorway into the chapel, and even in the dim light inside we could still see the beauty that surrounded us.  The cluttered-looking altar was full of gold ornamentation and statues, and up the pillars to the ceiling the walls were scattered with golden adornments and paintings in bright colors.  We looked around the room in awe.  Sure, some of the big cathedrals throughout Europe are beautiful and awe inspiring in their size, but these smaller places I find to be almost better.  Everything feels close, and the setting is far more intimate than such a huge open space.  Someone must have realized we were inside as the lights brightened, and all the paintings along the ceiling popped out even more. 

We wandered around outside, looking at the other buildings on site and the view over the fields below.  The sun was setting, and through the trees the bright orange light illuminated the building and intensified the colors.  We walked through the courtyard and watched the sun set, basking in the glow as the church seemed to radiate pink and orange light in front of us.

Genuß für Leib und Seele!

The church was truly a beautiful place, but I will honestly admit that I wouldn’t have known about it if not for the beer.  That’s ok though, it’s really good beer!  The brewhouse was made out cafeteria style, with food and beer purchased from a counter then you slide along to another part to actually pick up your beer.  We got one of those giant Bavarian pretzels, and only one drink each as we still needed to drive some.  While Beth decided to go with something different by choosing the Apfelweis, I stuck with my favorite and grabbed the Doppelbock.  German beers do tend to be on the lighter side, more crisp lagers instead of the darker, heavier ales that I prefer.  But the Doppelbock is a style that is definitely German, yet still much more to my liking.  Andechs makes one of my favorites, so I just had to get it while we were there!   Beth’s Apfelweis was amazingly refreshing, almost like a cross between a German wheat beer and a cider.  Very nice!

We drove to Munich to return the car, and it was to be a quick drop and go.  Bye Skorda, we hardly knew ye!  Munich was just a pass through on this trip, which was unfortunate as we were dropping the car right next to both Spaten-Franziskaner and Augustiner!  I wanted to keep going on our German beer run!

The train to Salzburg was pretty quick and uneventful.  It was getting late, so as expected there wasn’t much open when we arrived.  The pedestrian streets were all nicely lit though, and it was a pretty walk across the bridge and through the city to get to our hotel.  We had to go through the tunnel in the huge mountain at the southern end of the old town, the rock above the towering archway decorated with carved details.  It was a simple end to the night, where we finished our bread and made ham and cheese sandwiches in our room.  Neither of us had been here before, but we heard much about how amazing this city is.  It’s a good thing the medicine kicked in and I’m feeling better.  The train to Vienna would be in the afternoon tomorrow, so in a fairly short time we plan to see as much of this city as we can…

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