Departing Ribeauville

We stroll around Ribeauville on our last morning in town, tasting wine, talking with locals, and seeking out a unique bottle of a beverage most wouldn’t imagine!

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A Tasty Afternoon in Riquewihr

An afternoon in Riquewihr spent savoring the town’s many flavors. Outstanding wine at Maison Zimmer, cheese at Les Caves d’Affinage, and eye candy of the beautiful old streets and buildings of the town. As the sky grew dark and the rain poured down, we took shelter on the covered patio of Brasserie du Vignoble, the little brewery in wine country…

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A Morning of French Wine

Our last morning in France we spend getting in touch with some local wine. We talk about terroir and its impact on wine as we taste some of the winery’s finest. Beth tours the church, and I get some medicine and reflect on the difference between our health care and that in Europe.

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